Changes to VET training - Unique Strudent Identifier (USI)

Changes to training – Unique Student Identifier

Australian government makes changes to the way you can access your training history

Are you looking at up-skilling in 2015 and enrolling in�a training courses?

If you are, then you�should also�be aware of the changes that have been implemented at the start of 2015.

Unique Student Identifier

The Australian government has introduced a new system for managing your training records.

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) is a reference number that gives you access to your own online account where you can view details of your training history.

The USI is available online and at no cost to you and will be linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection; where you can view your training units and qualifications from every training provider you have enrolled with.

You will retain the USI for life and it be recorded with any nationally recognised VET training course that you complete.

Create your own USI

The USI has come into effect on 1 January 2015 and it is your responsibility to get your USI number.

If you enrol in a training course and you do not have a USI, a Statement of Attainment or Completion cannot be issued, so it’s in your best interest to get one.

Learn more about the Unique Student Identifier on the Australian government website.


Click on the link below to view the step-by-step guide on how to create your Unique Student Identifier.

Create your own Unique Student Identifier.

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