Get A Mining Job - iMINCO Mining Training Information

Get A Mining Job

Do you want to work in mining?

Did you know that completing a Standard 11 Generic Induction course could increase your chances of getting a mining job?

The Standard 11 is a safety induction program for the mining industry workplace, designed to provide you with core risk assessment and safety skills before undertaking further generic induction training on-site. If you are a new starter and looking for `clean skin mining jobs, you may need to complete this course before you apply for a job.

Completion of the Standard 11 will mean you will be educated in mining OHS best practices, keeping you and other mine workers safe from potential injury and harm on a mine site.

If you want to work in the mining and resource industry and you’re just starting to look for a mining job; this information will really help you on your journey.

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If you’re not certain what the Standard 11�mining induction safety training is and you’re unaware of why you need it, you must read the following information.

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If you’re ready to do your Standard 11� and you’d like to book your spot on one of the convenient nationwide courses, click the button below to register.

…book your course �

If you follow these strategies and educate yourself about the mining and resource industry in Australia, you’ll have a much better chance at landing yourself a job.