Catering, Chef, Kitchen Hand jobs in the mines - iMINCO Mining Training Information

Catering, Chef, Kitchen Hand jobs in the mines

One of the best ways to get a job in the mines at the entry level is by way of catering companies.

Working for a catering company on a mine site is a creative way to get a foot in the door and work your way up. Many people start off as a kitchen hand or basic cook – often without any experience.

The best place to find catering jobs in the mines are on the bigger and more remote mine sites in WA and Queensland.

Western Australia has some huge mines in remote locations in the Pilbara, and Queensland has it’s fair share of FIFO (fly in, fly out) coal mines.

The way it works it a mining company contracts the catering and kitchen operations out to a professional company such as Spotless. Spotless will advertise jobs on the big jobs boards and provide training and additional assistance with transport and accommodation.

Given the 7 days a week operating cycles at most mines, catering companies often advertise for vacancies to fill the ‘Relief Pool’,� providing staff coverage at a number of mine sites.

You’ll often find there is a lot of variety for mine site workers who specialise in kitchen and catering services.

Typically, chefs and kitchen hands and are employed to prepare, cook and serve good quality food at breakfast and dinner shifts. Early morning and late night starts are common because of the 24 hour operations and rosters changing over.

There’s always plenty of hungry miners to feed – so there’s always plenty to do.